Game: Be There or Be Square!

Here’s a really great way to break the ice!

‘Be there or be square’ clock [QTY: 1/participant]
A list of discussion topics [QTY: 1]
Plain white name tags (address labels work great for this) [QTY: 12 / participant]
Writing utensils [QTY: 1 / participant]
Noise maker (a bell or squeaky toy work just fine) [QTY: 1]

Distribute one ‘Be there or be square’ clock handout, and 12 white labels to each participant.  Have each participant write his/her name on each of the 12 name tags.

Tell the group that the clocks that they have are their meeting planners.

Give the group approximately 2-5 minutes for everyone to book 12 meetings for themselves, one meeting for each hour on the clock.  Booking the meetings will be a little bit of organized chaos.  The participants will scatter, looking for people to meetings with.  When a meeting is booked with someone else, participants exchange name tags and place the other person’s name tag on their clock at the scheduled time.  In order to book a meeting with someone the following must be true:
- You must both have that time available
- You must not already have a meeting booked with that partner
- Participants can only book one meeting per hour.

After the booking time has expired have everyone return to their seats. During the next part of the activity participants will go to their meetings.

Give the group a discussion topic and then call out a meeting time. 
For example you may say:
“During your next meeting you will tell the other person about your summer.  Go find your 5 O’clock appointment!”

After the participants have had enough time to discuss the given topic, sound your Noise Maker to indicate that everyone should stop and look at you. Give another topic and a new meeting time.

Have fun!!

Dynamix Downloads
Activity Type Download
Be There or Be Square! Ice Breaker

Clock Handout - 141 KB
Discussion Topics - 161 KB


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